Есть ответ 👍

“The,a,an or” 5. Let's go see
wanting to see
big bear in
backyard. I think
bear is looking for something
6. There's
to eat
good dentist, but
dentist doesn't have any
7. Cindy recommended
openings for two months.
new car last week. Unfortunately,
car broke down after
8. John bought
just two days.
9. Carrie works for amazing organization. organization provides
supplies for children in developing world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

you have ten notebooks.

i have a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.

robert has a tall brother.

these boys have blue eyes.

dana has two pen pals in australia.

the pupils have a new computer room.

the dog has a very big doghouse.

bill gates has a lot of money.

he has short blond hair.

they have four tickets to the show.

this girl has her birthday in april.

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