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11. выделите префиксы в данных прилагательных и укажите их значение. inorganic, insufficient, ineffective, insoluble, inactive; impure, improper ,impossible; irregular, irrational, irrelative; illogical, il¬literate, illegal; unnatural, uncommon, unusual.

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Inorganic, insufficient, ineffective, insoluble, inactive; impure, improper ,impossible; irregular, irrational, irrelative; illogical, illiterate, illegal; unnatural, uncommon, unusual. их значение - не

Префиксы un-, in-, а также , il- (перед l), ir- (перед r), im- (перед m и p) меняют значение слова на противоположное. чаще всего они соответствуют приставке не: inorganic, insufficient, ineffective, insoluble, inactive;   префикс - in impure, improper ,impossible; префикс - im   irregular, irrational, irrelative; префикс - ir illogical, illiterate, illegal; префикс - il   unnatural, uncommon, unusual.  префикс - un

A: i wish i (play) a musical instrument.b: you should take lessons.2. a: if only the wind (stop) blowing so hard.b: yes, it's very windy today, isn't it? 3. a: i wish john (come) with us.b: so do i. he would have really enjoyed it.4. a: paul, i wish you (stop) making so much noise.b: sorry, i'll try.5. a: i wish i (study) more when i was at school.b: it doesn't matter now. you've got a good job.6. a: i wish i ( (be) young again.b: so do i. we had some good times back then.7. a: i wish i not (not/speak) to jane like that.b: don't worry. i'm sure she'll forgive you.8. a: if only bob (call) me.b: well, he promised to call today.9. a: i'm exhausted. i wish i (do) some of the housework yesterday.b: sorry i wasn't here to help you.10. a: i wish you (make) less noise when you come in.b: it's not my fault. the door squeaks when you open it.11. a: are you going to your school reunion party next week? b: no. i wish i (go) because i would like to see everyone again.

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