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Проверьте грамматику! внимательно, 40 , тому кто найдет ошибки, если они есть и исправит! every person always dreams about the place where he can talk about everuthing where he can feel happy/ this place is home where live your family/ family is the most important thing in life. neither money, clothes and even a good job can not be compared with family. i think that one of the important problems in the family is history ancectors. unfortunately, many of us know very litte about our ancestors. we must know if we are really interested in our family history. we can learn at home, just looking through old photos and some old thing throug are arond in every family home and of corse the internet - a lot of curious references and aurticles from new papers. each family has its own traditions. they can not on the country of residence, but also a particular family. family traditions are things that families do together on a regular basis,. there thing can be patterns of behavior, enjoyable activities or a certain food that a family likes. for example, in my family it is habitual to dine together and we are used to share the household chores.

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Правильно писать everything

Repost,репост это акт копирования записи к себе на страницу в социальных сетях,а также сама копированная запись или новость. после того как вы сделаете репост какой-либо новости, её смогут прочитать ваши друзья и подпищики.

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