Поставьте глагол в отрицательном предложении в правильной форме. tom … stamps three years ago. выберите правильный ответ: didn`t collect not collected didn`t collected not collect

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1) he fell in love with my friend, and with me broke up. i don't think that we will remain friends.2) - you sometime rented apartment together with other students? - i live 4 years with two foreign students from our university.3) how many years you already learn english? and when you started learning german? гы and t howl the german friend you help to learn foreign languages each other? 4) what is the time you live in one apartment? when you started renting this apartment together? 5) sometimes i argue with parents concerning clothes, friends and late arrivals home. but, generally, we get on.6) most of all we argue on the one who will cook food, to go shopping and to clean the apartment.7) - you are married? - no, i am divorced. i and my ex-husband couldn't remain friends though we lived in marriage of 10 years and very well we know each other. we often argued on trifles and therefore left.8) when i knew it better, i understood that i can trust it. now it - my best friend.9) she learned that in difference from my parents, to my flatmates all the same when to a ya'prikhozh home that i do in the evenings where i go on days off.10) i live in london 15 years, and earlier i lived in the suburbs and went for work to the downtown by a taxi. it was very expensive therefore i bought the apartment and moved closer to a work place.11) we keep in contact on the internet and never saw each other earlier. but it seems to me, this person is very similar to me the tastes, character and sense of humour.12) whether it is possible to remain friends with the ex-girlfriend? i have to admit that it - is problematic.13) i wrote the test and made many mistakes therefore i didn't come to the following occupation though promised the teacher to do all exercises. but in the evening my friends came, we played cards, had coffee, listened to new cds. we perfectly spent time.14) stop to argue. you already live together in this apartment half a year and you can't get on in any way. you, what have no sense of humour? 15) my sister isn't similar to me, but we have an identical sense of humour and good relations.16) i look for the apartment 2 months. i and my girl we want to rent apartment and to live in it together. 17) you couldn't make to me a favor and call my friend?

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