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Past simple/past perfect/past perfect continuous open the brackets and use the right form of the verb. 1) he (to drive) a car for three hours when he (reach) the airport. 2) we (to pack) already all our bags when they (to phone) us. 3) it (to snow) for hours and no plane was able to take off. 4) our guide (to organize) our trip before we (to talk ) to him. 5) she (to wash up) after her mother (to come ) home. 6) they (to look) forward to this holiday for many years before they (to manage) to find it. 7) mark already (to be) to africa twice before he (to get) married. 8) we (to book) our flights weeks before we (to leave). 9) the scientist (to prepare) the article for two hours before midnight. 10) i (to cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  had  driven,  reached 2.  had packed,  phoned 3.  was  snowing 4.  had organized,  talked 5.  washed  u p,  had come 6.  had been  looking,  managed 7.  had been,  got 8.  had  booked,   left 9.  were preparing 10. had  cooked

1)  he had  driven a car for three hours when he reached the airport. 2)  we had packed already all our bags when they phoned us. 3)  it was  snowing for hours and no plane was able to take off. 4)  our guide had organized our trip before we talked to him 5) she washed  up after her mother had come home. 6)  they had  looked forward to this holiday for many years before they managed to find it. 7)  mark already had been to africa twice before he got married. 8) we had  booked our flights weeks before we left. 9)  the scientist were preparing the article for two hours before midnight. 10)  i was cooking breakfast by 5 o’clock.

Last sunday i walked wwith my friends. we rode a bike and played games. the weather was great. it was sunny and warm. in the evening i had a dinner with my family. my dad cooked meat and mum cooked salad and cake. after the diner i read a book and my parents watched tv

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