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writing guide

imagine you are caitlin. write an informal letter in reply
to finley (130-150 words). you need to:
1 express sympathy about finley's grandmother.
2 decline the invitation to the cinema (include a reason).
3 invite finley to do something next weekend.
4 give information about a book you've read and want
to recommend
dear finley
how are you?
thanks for inviting me to the cinema. -
love, caitlin

надо писать так 100 слов, можно ~50, мне надо чтобы влезло

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Cat-cats watch-watches sugar-sugar milk-milk box-boxes piano-pianos photo-photos monkey-monkeys money-money man-men woman-women hair-hair child-children roof-roofs tooth-teeth knowledge-knowledge news-news teacher-teachers face-faces student-students pupil-pupils language-langueges subject-subjects year-years knife-knives tea-tea ice-ice friendship-friendship насчет последних трёх не уверена

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