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Ялюблю цветы. в ботаническом саду можно увидеть множество разных цветов. с самых ранних лет я люблю гулять там. там есть кафе в которых можно посидеть, детские площадки, пруды в которых плавают рыбы, лавки, мороженное. этот сад есть во многих странах. наверное каждый человек бывал там. там всегда стоит приятный запах цветов. это мое самое любимое место в москве, так как ботанический сад связан со мной многочисленными воспоминаниями. переведите !

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Ответы на вопрос:

i love flowers. in the botanical garden you can see many different colors. from an early age, i like to walk there. there is a cafe where you can sit, play grounds, ponds in which fish swim, shop, ice cream. this garden is in many countries. i guess everyone had been there. there is always a pleasant smell of flowers. this is my favorite place in moscow as the botanical garden is associated with me many memories.

i love flowers. in the botanical garden you can see many different colors. from an early age, i like to walk there. there is a cafe where you can sit, play grounds, ponds in which fish swim, shop, ice cream. this garden is in many countries. i guess everyone had been there. there is always a pleasant smell of flowers. this is my favorite place in moscow as the botanical garden is associated with me many memories.

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