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Опиши Землю на английском

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Earth is the third planet that is located from the Sun. It contains 6 continents: North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. Almost 8 billion people of different nationalities live on the planet Earth.

Земля-третья планета,которая находится от Солнца.На ней расположено 6 материков:Северная Америка,Южная Америка,Евразия,Африка,Австралия и Антарктида.На планете Земля проживают почти 8 миллиардов людей разной национальности

Поправки к конституции сша: 1) почему сделаны поправки2) сколько исправлений есть3) какие первые десять поправок называются и о чем идет речь4) то, что вы помните о 13-й и 14-й поправках5) какие поправки предоставили право голоса и кому. вопросы. ответы; 1) the fourth amendment to the us constitution is a part of the bill of rights. the amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and detentions, and also requires that any search warrants be issued only by the court in the presence of sufficient grounds. 2)27 3)freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, right to petition 4)abolishment of slavery и  equality of us citizens is guaranteed and the adoption by any state of discriminatory laws is forbidden (including this means the operation of the bill of rights throughout the united states); if in the election of any state restricts the rights of any category of citizens, the representation of this state in the house of representatives should be proportionally reduced, the prohibition to occupy posts for participants in the uprising against the united states; prohibition of compensation to citizens for damages connected with their activities hostile to the usa or the release of their slaves я старалась.

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