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:( put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. 1) did you receive my parcel? no, it (not/deliver) yet. 2) will there be any prizes? yes. medals (give) to the winners. 3) can i expect to get to england on time? sorry madam, but all flights (delay). 4) is there anything i can do for you, sir? yes, these faxes (should/send) right away. 5) did you hear about the missing girl? yes. luckily, she (find) at the train station. 6) the hotel is in terrible condition. yes. it (should/repair). 7) do you have any plans for this evening? i'm going to an art exhibition which (hold) at the museum. 8) should i leave a tip? you don't have to. the service (include) in the bill. 9) is your new house ready to move into? no. the walls (not/paint) yet. 10) did you go to lisa's party? no. i (not/invite). 11) have they caught the bank robbers yet? unfortunately, no arrests ).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) no, it has not been delivered yet.2) yes. medals will be given to the winners.3) sorry madam, but all flights have been delayed.4) yes, these faxes should be sent right away.5) yes. luckily, she was found at the train station.6) yes. it should be repaired.7) i'm going to an art exhibition which is held at the museum. 8) you don't have to. the service is included in the bill.9) no. the walls have not been painted yet.10) no. i was not invited.11) unfortunately, no arrests have been made.

Джон лоуги бэрд был первым изобретателем телевизилнной системы, которую он создал в 1926 году.

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