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Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями и переведите 1. We live in a little village. There are very many old houses in … village

2. You take chemistry at University. Are there many students at … faculty?

3. They live in kier. Do they live in the centre of … city

4. He teaches at school. Do they he like … job

5. I have got a large family. I spend every weekend with … family

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. We live in a little village. There are very many old houses in our village.

Мы живем в маленькой деревне.  В нашей деревне очень много старых домов.

2. You take chemistry at University. Are there many students at your faculty?

Вы берете химию в университете.  На вашем факультете много студентов?

3. They live in Kiev. Do they live in the centre of their city.

Они живут в Киеве. Живут ли они в центре своего города.

4. He teaches at school. Do they he like his job?

Он преподает в школе.  Ему нравится его работа?

5. I have got a large family. I spend every weekend with my family.

У меня большая семья. Я провожу каждые выходные со своей семьей.

1do ответ yes they do 2 are ответ no they are not 3 has ответ no she has not 4 does ответ yes she does 5 does ответ yes she does 5 it ответ no there is not 7 do ответ yes they do

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