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Переведите на у нас довольно прохладно, так что брать легкую одежду не стоит. я бы посоветовала тебе взять теплую куртку, несколько свитеров и брюки. но не бери соишком теплые вещи, иначе тебе будет жарко.

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Ответы на вопрос:

We have a fairly cool, so take light clothing is not worth it. i would advise you to take a warm jacket, a few sweaters and pants. but don't take shoescom warm clothes, otherwise you will be hot .

1. there (are) some major tour operators in this country. 2.there (is) a tour operator in this destination. 3.there (is) a folder, a thick travellogue and some timetables on the desk. 4.there (are) some timetables, a thick travellogue and a folder on the desk. 5.(are) there any tourist companies in your city? 6.there (is not) any travel consultant in our tourist company. 7.there (are not) any booking agents in their travel agency. 8.(is) there any escort with this tour group? 9.(are) there any new tour packages to london in your agency? 10.there (is) no up­to­date information on air tickets here. 11.what (is) there in your receipt? 12.what kind of discounts (are) there this season? 13.why (are) there so many discounts? 14.how many travel clerks (are) there in your tourist information office?

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