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Поставьте глагол в отрицательную форму повелительного наклонения. 1. look at him. 2. smoke in this room. 3. close your books. 4. open the window. 5. read this letter. 6. translate this text. выберите местоимение. 1. don’t write to (he, him). 2. i see (she, her) in the classroom. 3. he speaks english to (we, us) and (we, us) speak english to (he, him). 4. thank (they, them). 5. they write to (we, us), and we write to (they, them). 6. answer (they, them).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. don't look/ 2don't smoke/3don't close/4 don't open/5don't read/don't translate 1/to him/2 see her/3to us and him/4 them/ to them/6 them


Популярно: Английский язык