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Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be: 1.there a lot of mistakes in my last dictation. 2.look! there much water on the floor. 3. ill yesterday вставьте местоимения some, any, no или их производные 1.there is .. ink in my pen. i cannot write. 2.shall we go 3.please? give me warm: it is cold in here вставьте модальные глаголы can,may,must. 1.i finish translating this text 2. i ask you question? 3.i not call you yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.there were a lot of mistakes in my last dictation. 2.look! there is much water on the floor. 3. you were  ill yesterday.  1.there is  no  ink in my pen. i cannot write. 2.shall we go  anywhere? 3.please? give me  something  warm: it is cold in here. 1.i  must  finish translating this text 2. may  i ask you question? 3.i could not call you yesterday.

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