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Dear friend, imagine waking up one day in a country that you`ve never been to and know no one there. it is an incredible experience, and something that people will remember forever. before visiting the country we have some stereotypes about the life there, which are broken after the trip. and england isn`t an exception. people think that the british are hard-hearted and unsociable. but they aren`t. the russians are always welcome in england. if you ever visit it, there will always be a little part of your heart. i am very interested in british culture, history and people. so, my visit provided me with a good opportunity to compare what i already know about england with the real life. i am grateful to fate, to my parents and teachers, that in july in 2009, i went to england. this was preceded by years of hard english lessons, a successful passing of international exams of different levels, exhausting trip to moscow for processing the documents. but at last a group of like-minded people and i are in england it was amazing and immediately struck me. the first days were introductory, and then i could navigate in guildford, in the city, where we lived. but let me start from the very beginning. when we arrived, we went to our families. i was inexpressibly glad to meet these people. it was my first experience of communicating with the british. i expected them to be rather cold, full of traditions, but it turned out that they are very kind-hearted and hospitable. within 2 weeks i lived with the owners of the house (cranstone; husband and wife) and 2 girls - from spain (anna) andturkey (oykyu). the first day i was very tired and, unfortunately, was not capable to do something. but the very next day we went on a trip to london. arriving there, i was absorbed with the emotions! it was amazing: we were riding on the biggest ferris wheel, and then went to the madame tussads` museum that i wanted to visit. there i had the opportunity to be photographed with wax figures of celebrities and to go to the room of fear it was terrifying, my heart took in heels! it was very scary, but i endured, and then just laughed at the idea of the room. the museum had many interesting things to see. the next day i went to school for the first time. i had the opportunity to see the conditions in which teenagers learn english. children at my school were from lots of different cultures, but that didn`t stop us being friends. at first i could not remember the way to school, but i my neighbor, living for 2 weeks in guildford, helped me. it turned out that i lived near the center of our town. on wednesday, we had another tour - to oxford. i had a lot of emotions from it. it was just incredibly exciting to look at the famous university of oxford, which i much heard about! upon arrival in england it was hard to get used to the language and how to communicate it. i took a very visible difference between the russian, speaking english and the british. but after the first few trips i used to and learnt a lot. and of course it was great to visit the famous hall, where the action of world famous movie about harry potter has taken place. it was just incredibly exciting to feel like the heroine of this film. my dream was realized! except trips to other cities i was walking with my friends along the streets of the city every day after classes. they were totally different from our russian ones. for example, the main street, often called, high street, was lined with stone, everywhere one could see windows of various shops. it is worth noting that the local bakery was very good, clothes were much cheaper than in russia, but the food, by contrast, was very expensive.

every person has a place where he feels safe. for me, such a place is my home, warm and cozy, protecting my peace from childhood. when i feel sad, i come here and watch my favorite films, when i have fun, i invite friends. relatives gather in the walls of the house on holidays, and in the summer my beloved grandmother comes to visit. she makes pancakes with jam for me, and the house is filled with a delicious smell that i remember and love since i turned five.

my house is very beautiful and has a special, emotional atmosphere. the walls are decorated with my children's photographs and photographs of my parents, there are flowers on the windowsills that i water, putting my little warmth in the overall comfort. this is probably why my house is so dear to me, which i really love with all my heart. this is my own little corner where you can hide from the whole world. my tiny planet, where i rejoice at the world, spying on him through a book. sometimes i imagine how book characters come to life and talk with me, sometimes i fall asleep over my favorite adventure novel, or thoughtfully leafing through pages, thinking about my future and about school friends.

i always want to return home: in the afternoon after school or in the evening after a walk. if it’s cold outside, the house warms me with its walls, and when it’s hot, i find in it the long-awaited coolness. my house affectionately shakes me before going to bed. i close my eyes and imagine myself the captain of a large ship, which carries me along the waves towards adventure. it has always been so, and even now, when i begin to grow up, i still feel the wind of wanderings and the whisper of the ocean breeze. therefore, i always want to return under a warm shelter, where you can hide from the rain and snow, watch how the snowflakes slowly melt on the window pane and drink hot tea.

it seems to me that every person who has a beloved home is as happy as i am. hiding in his little world, he can dream of traveling, doing what he loves and making plans for the future. in many ways, our character is formed depending on the place where we live. if at home everything is fine, then you will certainly feel confidence in your abilities and support. in difficult moments of life, the calm aura of the home will help you find the right solution and not make a mistake. and if it becomes very difficult, then you can forget about all the troubles, as in childhood, having climbed up in the old grandfather’s chair and hid under a fluffy rug

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