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1.назовите основу,от которой образованы следующие слова: development,conveniently,communication,production,continuous,beginning,transmitter,action,recorder,electronic,simultaneously,defferent,usable,central,calculator,possibility,disconnect. 2.образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных: wet,merry,dangerous,crowded,ugly,thicck,high,pale,clean,little

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. development - develop; conveniently - convenient;   communication - communicate, production - produce, continuous - continue, beginning - begin, transmitter - transmit, action - act, recorder - record,  electronic - electron,  simultaneously - simultaneous, different - differ, usable - use, central - centre,  calculator - calculate, possibility - possible, disconnect - connect. 2. wet - wetter - the wettest, merry - merrier - the merriest, dangerous - more dangerous - the most dangerous, crowded - more crowded - the most crowded, ugly - uglier - the ugliest, thick - thicker - the thickest, high - higher - the highest, pale - paler - the palest, clean - cleaner - the cleanest, little - less - the least

(это буратино. он одет в колпак шортах и футболке. волосы у него коричневые. характер у него добрый.) it pinocchio. he is wearing( точно не знаю как пишется) in shorts and a t-shirt cap. his hair is brown. he has a good character.

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