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Поставить предложения в правельном порядке. 1. the snake left the house. it wanted its independence. 2. when the tailor came back he saw that the box was empty. what did he say? 3. one day when the tailor was out, she opened the door of the box and the door of the house. 4. he had a pet who was a snake. it was very dangerous and lived in a box. 5. the snake depended on the tailor, as he gave it milk and food. 6. but the tailor also depended on the snake. 7. at night the snake slept near the door and nobody could steal anything in the house, as the snake fought anybody who came in. 8. the tailor didn't have to buy a gun. but the tailor's wife didn't like the snake. she was afraid of it. 9. once upon a time, there live a tailor. he was very rich.

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Ответы на вопрос:

9- 1 9 - 1 4 - 2 7 - 3 5 - 4 6 - 5  3 - 6 1 - 7 2 - 8 8 - 9 какой тупой текст оо вроде так. 

1. We've got SOME rice

2. I have'n't got ANY tea.

3. Would you like some juice? ✔

4. There aren't any books here.

ответ: Would you like some juice? — правильное предложение здесь.

Популярно: Английский язык