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Say if
1 A nurse helps an architect
A nurse helps the doctor
2 A postman works in an office
3 A teacher catches burglars
A TV reporter repairs teeth
5 A police officer helps sick animals
6 A secretary teaches children​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

A nurse helps an architect - false

A nurse helps the doctor - true

A postman works in an office - false

A teacher catches burglars - false

TV reporter repairs teeth - false

A police officer helps sick animals - false

A secretary teaches cchildren - false

1 A nurse helps an architect F

A nurse helps the doctor T

2 A postman works in an office F

3 A teacher catches burglars F

A TV reporter repairs teeth F

5 A police officer helps sick animals F

6 A secretary teaches children​ F

если все подставить по логике то вроде все выйдет так

Bill had stayed in bed by 11 o'clock last week, didn't he?

You must follow the doctor's recommendations, mustn't you?

Steve did not go to school yesterday, did he?

It is important to eat a wide variety of food, isn't it?

Dan has already done the shopping today, hasn't he?

He does not eat much chocolate every day, does he?

I'm reading an interesting book now, aren't I?

The children weren't at the zoo yesterday, were they?

They won't come home by bus, will they?

Популярно: Английский язык