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Переделайте предложения во время past simple (indefinite),используя обстоятельства времени,данные в скобках. 1)michael knows all the truth.(last year) 2)they are ready for the seminar.(yesterday) 3)his first text-book on history is a success.(in 1980) 4)she doesn't learn this subject well.(at scholl) 5)it often rains here in summer.(in the previous years) 6) he solves all the problems himself.(the day before yesterday) 7)do you understand his speech? (last time) 8)does he do it on purpose? (that time) 9) __ she a good student? (in her youth) 10)we sre students, we study a lot.(three years ago) там,где прочерк..плохо знаю что как то можно его сделать,то ..

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1)  michael knew all the truth last year. 2)  yeaterday they were ready for the seminar. 3)  his first text-book on history in 1980 was a success. 4)  she didn't learn at school  this subject well.5)  in the previous years it often rained here  in summer. 6)  the day before yesterday h e solved all the problems himself.7)  did you understand his speech last time? 8)  did he do it on purpose last  time? 9)  was she a good student in her youth? 10)  three years ago we were students, we studied a lot.

1)майкл знает всю правду.(в прошлом году) 2)они готовы к семинару.(вчера) 3)свой первый учебник " успеха.(в 1980 году) 4)она не узнать этот предмет хорошо.(в шоль) 5)здесь часто идут дожди летом.(в предыдущие годы) 6) он решает все проблемы сам.(позавчера) 7)ты понимаешь его речь? (последний раз) 8)он делает это нарочно? (в то время) 9) __ она хорошо учится? (в молодости) 10)мы грс студентов, мы изучаем много.(три года назад)

On sunday, i woke up at ten in the morning and immediately went to the bathroom. then i had breakfast and in a good mood began to do household chores. when i finished, i decided to go for a walk. i called my friend ira and we agreed to meet her. we walked with her on the waterfront and we had a lot of fun. in the evening i came home tired, ate and sat down to listen to music. after that i was going to school and went to bed. that's how i spent the weekend.

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