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Read the examples and answer the questions. get has got a lot of different meanings. a)become. people in the west are getting fatter. b)arrive. we got home at nine o`clock. c)receive. i got 50 founds for christmas. d)obtain. when is he going to get a job? e)buy. i haven`t got enough money to get a sandwich. f)bring. shall i get you a glass of water? 1 what is the past from of get? 2 how do you spell the -ing form?

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) people in the west are becoming fatter b) we are arrived home at nine o'clock c) i received 50 founds for christmas d) when is he going to obtain a job? e) i haven't got enough money to buy a sandwich  f) shall i bring you a glass of water?     1) got 2) i-n-g  - нужно произносить по буквам 

1. melihim - milhiem здесь не те буквы - проверь 2. mshistcar erte - chirstmas tree 3. libly-atgo - billy-goat 4. theawr - wreath

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