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Придумать предложения со словосочетаниями используя герундий: starting in crowded buses,chatting on the telephone,borrowing money,looking after children,getting up early,watching horror films,writing tests,wasting time ,sunbathing,arguing about money,making new friends,waiting at the doctor's,doing examination,sleeping late,smoking

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ann is good at making new friends.you must borrow the money to pay for my theatments.

i always sunbath on the beach.you mustn t smoking because it is very bad for your health.i am earning exstra money by looking after children.please,stop arguing about money! it is not just like you! i hate watch horror films.what about you?




You must clean your house once a week. you must cook for your family. you must feed your domestic animals. you mustn't sleep long time. you can help your mother to cook. you must work in the garden. you must do your homework. you must get up at 7 o'clock every day. you must water flowers. you must brush your teeth every day.

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