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Подскажите какие бывают неправильные глаголы 5 класс

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Ответы на вопрос:

read read read читать

ride rode ridden ездить

ring rang rung звонить

rise rose risen подниматься

run ran run бежать

say said said сказать

see saw seen видеть

sell sold sold продавать

send sent sent посылать

shine shone shone сиять

shoot shot shot стрелять

show showed shown показывать

sing sang sung петь

sit sat sat сидеть

sleep slept slept спать

smell smelt smelt пахнуть

speak spoke spoken говорить

spend spent spent тратить, проводить

stand stood stood стоять

steal stole stolen воровать

throw threw thrown бросать

understand understood understood понимать

wake woke woken будить

wear wore worn носить

win won won побеждать

write wrote written писать

1. what (are you / eating) - a cheese sandwich. 2. where lunch today? (areyou / having) - at home. my mum's making pasta. 3. what (does he / do) - he's an accountant. 4. eat out tonight? (do you / want) - yes, that would be nice. where shall we go? 5. what (is she / cooking) - i don't know, but it smells good. 6. she products very often. (does not buy) 7. could you turn the music down, please? - i (am watching tv) 8. usually late? (get up) 9. she to the gym three times a week. (goes) 10. he a sience fiction now. (is reading) 2. отметьте верные (correct) 1. he doesn't have a car at the moment. 3. do you recognize the man in the photo? it's our old maths teacher. 4. nowadays people don't mind paying more for healthy food. 7. you look worried. what are you thinking about? 9. today people eat too much unhealthy food.   неверные (incorrect) 2. i'm loving eating out but it's expensive. 5. can you answer the phone? i talk on my mobile. 6. i'm sorry, i don't understand. what does this word meaning? 8. we are going skiing every year. 10. she doesn't watch tv now because she's tired. 1. when i arrived, they tv. (were watching) 2. when he to work this morning, he had an accident. (was driving) 3. how (did the accident / happen) 4. he back from manchester when he a tree. (was driving, hit) 5. when i got home i was really tired, so i a shower and to bed. (had, went) 6. the driver control of his car because he on his mobile. (lost, was talking) 7. it raining when he to work (started, was walking) 8. he a taxi because he a coat. (stopped, was not wear ing)

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