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2. перепишите предложения и подчеркните participle i and participle ii и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола сказуемого. переведите предложения на язык. 1. she showed us a list of the newly published books. 2. there is a growing interest in italian art in our country. 3. knowing the english language well he can translate newspaper articles without a dictionary. 4. the sun is rising.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she showed us a list of the newly published (participle ii, определение) books. она показала нам список недавно опубликованных книг

2. there is a growing (participle i, определение) interest in italian art in our country. в нашей стране растет интерес к итальянскому искусству.

3. knowing (participle i, обстоятельство) the english language well he can translate newspaper articles without a dictionary. так как он хорошо знает язык, он может переводить газетные статьи без словаря.

4. the sun is rising (participle i, часть сказуемого). солнце встаёт.

1. Jones insisted on shaking hands.

2.İ take all the blame for not seeing further than my nose.

3. Unfortunately I haven't succeeded in making much impression on you.

4. He made a point of never sounding disappointed.

5. His mission had very little to do with winning the war.

6. He had never had much difficulty ...getting jobs. The trouble had always been ...keeping them.

7. She thanked him for taking her out.

8. He did not object to seeing Francis.

9. I shali look forward to seeing your book.

10. I thought of taking a trip up the Scandinavian coast.

11. Jack hesitated, then decided on talking.

12. I told him that we were about to be turned out of our flat for not paying the rent.;

13. Quite late, when he was on the point of going upstairs, the door bell rang.

14. He put the note under a saucer on the table to keep it fom blowing away.

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