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Открыть скобки и поставить глагол в правильной форме present continuous или present indefinite: 1)who you (to send) a letter to? - to my parents.2)a friend of mins always (to tell) us interesting stories.3)listen to him.he (to tell) an interesting story about one of the russian acientists.4)i always (to listen) to his lectures attentively.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Who are you send a letter to? a friend of mins always tells us interesting stories. listen to him. he is telling i always listento

With whom most  of the people celebrate this holiday?   (в каком кругу больше всего встречают этот праздник) a) with  familyb)  with friendsс)  with  lovers   < < == тоесть влюблённыеd)    with  neighbors   who was the famous valentine ? (кем на самом деле был валентин? )a) a teacher b) а m agician  с) а p reacher   < < == тоесть проповедникомd) an angel

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