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Переведите на (только не через онлайн переводчик) надо. моя семья - это папа, мама, маленький братик и собака чуча. семья у нас дружная и любящая. папа у нас военный а мама домохозяйка и не смотря на все папины командировки на праздники мы всегда вместе. наша семья это моя гордость. я люблю свою семью.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My family - a father, mother , little brother and dog chucha . our family friendly and loving . daddy had a military and my mother a housewife , and in spite of all my father's trip for the holidays , we are always together. our family is my pride . i love my family. 

My family is a father, mother, little brother and dog chucha. our family friendly and loving. daddy had a war and my mother a housewife, and in spite of all my father's trip for the holidays, we are always together. our family is my pride. i love my family.

1 i always do my homework the evening.


2 i read books the weekend.


3 are you going to the party friday?


4 the film starts 9 o’clock.


5 my birthday is september.


6 we have an exam afternoon.


7 i have to meet paul 8 o’clock.


8 saturdays, i meet my friends.

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