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Нужно перевести предложения на . 1. она хочет, чтобы родители не относились к ней, как к ребенку. 2. родители хотели бы, чтобы мы слушались. 3. он хочет, чтобы родители не пилили его. 4. родители надеятся, что они будут делать работу по дому. 5. он хочет, чтобы они не сердились на него.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.she wants parents do not treat her like a child. 2.parents would like for us to listen. 3.he wants his parents are not sawed. 4.parents hope that they will do the housework. 5.he wants them to not be angry with him.

1)she wants parents do not treat her like a child. 2)parents would like for us to listen. 3)he wants his parents are not sawed 4)parents hope that they will do the housework. 5. he wants them to not be angry with him

1. i get along well with my sister and brother.2. she went through a lot of difficulties but she managed to overcome them.3. he failed to get the message across to his audience.4. she never got over her parent's divorce.

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