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Вопрос2 вставьте нужный артикль ‘a(an)’, ‘the’ или при его отсутствии. this is … pen and those are … pencils. he has got … dark hair and … blue eyes. … notebook is on … table. is there … wardrobe in … living room? what is … longest river in … russian federation? where is … mississippi? 7. is … paris in … spain? 8.i work in …office on … third floor. 9.moscow is … capital of russia. 10.my friend lives in … usa. вопрос 3 вместо оборота с предлогом ‘of’ образуйте оборот с существительным в притяжательном падеже. образец: the office of mr. black - mr. black’s office 1. the money of salesmen 2. the birthday of my girlfriend 3. the telephone number of my parents 4. the hostel of the students 5. the hats of the women вопрос4 выберитеправильныйвариант. 1. who is that girl? why are you looking at …? a .she b. hers c .her 2. ‘do you know the name of our teacher? ’ – ‘no, i don’t know … . a. him b. she c. it 3. ‘where are my keys? i can’t find … . a. them b. it c. their 4. ‘we are having a party tonight. you can come with … . a. they b. them c. their 5. maria likes physics. … is her favorite subject. a. it b. she c. he вопрос5 вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму глагола ‘to be’ в соответствующем времени и форме. 1 to my mind our boss … at the conference now. 2. … you at the university yesterday? – yes, i … . 3. i hope they … in moscow in two days’ time. 4. ‘… your mother at home? ’ ‘no, she … . she … at work. she … at home at about 6 in the evening.’ 5. ‘what… your friend’s name? ’ ‘his name… david.’ 6. today i … sad but yesterday i … happy. 7. last week kelly … on holiday. i don’t know if she … home now. 8. today … sunday and we … at work. we … at home. 9. this weekend we … at home but next weekend we … in greece. 10. ‘where … you last friday? ’ ‘i … at the jazz concert.’ вопрос6 закончите предложения с конструкции ‘there + be’ в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем временах. 1. … six continents in the world. 2. … a public holiday the day after tomorrow. 3. … a lot of snow in the street yesterday. 4. … a train at 7 o’clock. 5. ‘… any problems? ’ ‘no, … any.’ 6. last weekend we had an important meeting. … seventy-five members of our club. 7. ‘… an italian restaurant in your native town? ’ ‘no, but … an english pub.’ 8. ‘… any cinemas in your town fifty years ago? ’ ‘yes, but … only one.’ 9. ‘how many students … in your class? ’ ‘… twenty six of us.’ 10. ‘were there any phone messages for me yesterday? ’ ‘… one from mr. white.’

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вопрос 2   a - - -  the the a the the the  the 7. - -  8.an the 9.the 10/the вопрос 3 1.salesmen's money 2.my girlfriend's birthday 3.my parents' telephone number 4.the students' hostel 5.the women's hats вопрос 4   .1.c 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.a вопрос 5  1.is 2. were..was 3.will be 4.is isn't is will be 5.is   is 6.am was 7.was   is 8.is   are not   are 9.will be will be 10.were   was вопрос 6  1.there are 2.there will be 3.there was 4.there is 5.are there   no there aren't  6.there were 7.ia there..   there is 8.were there.. there was 9.are there   there are 10/there was..

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