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Текст last summer (прошлым летом) jim and jill went (go) to the forest. the day was (be) fine. it was (be) very hot and sunny. jim and jill walked (walk) in the forest and then they sat (sit) down under a big tree. they talked (talk) and talked. suddenly they saw (see) a small bird. the bird had fallen (yпала) from the tree. jim took (take) the bird in his hands and the children went (go) home.they put (put) the bird into the box. the children liked (like) the bird very much. they gave (give) the bird bread, apples, corn and water.the bird lived (live) in their house for two weeks. then jim and jill took (take) the bird back to the forest. the bird was (be) very happy. короч придумайте рассказ на со слово сочетаниями и сюжетом этого текста : 1)гуляли в лесу,2)было жарко,3)сели под деревом,4)говорили и говорили,5)увидели птичку,6)взял птичку в руки,7)пошли домой,8)дали птичке хлеба и воды,9)жила в доме две недели,10)была счастлива,только чтоб в тексте не звучали ваши имена, надо завтра в школу

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Ответы на вопрос:

Talked saw   took   went   put   liked   gave lived took   was 

1 A: What do you usually have for breakfast? B: I like to have some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. 2 A: Have we got everything we need to make the lemon pie? B: Let me see. We've got some flour and a big lemon, but there are no eggs, so we should buy some from the market. 3 A: I'd like some information about the gym's opening hours and fees. B: Certainly. Here's a brochure with all the details you need. 4. A: The new Indian restaurant has never got any free tables! B: I know. It's really popular, but you'll have no trouble if you call to book a table first. 5 A: This pasta sauce is great! What's in it? B: An onion, some garlic and a variety of herbs and spices. 6 A: There aren't any biscuits left. B: There should be some in the top cupboard, why don't you check? ​

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