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:complete the sentences: put in the countries.write down the sentences/ occupies the whole continent. 2)when it's summer in russia it's winter 3)"a movie" in america is "a film" is nearly as big as all of europe. 5)english spoken in is often called kiwi english. an island state. shares with seven of the world's largest lakes.

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  australia  occupies the whole continent. 2) when it's summer in russia it's winter australia  3) "a movie" in america is "a film" uk.4)   is nearly as big as all of europe.5) english spoken in zealand is often called kiwi english.6) the an island state.7) the shares with seven of the world's largest lakes.

1. i (did not hear) the thunder during the storm last hight because i (was sleeping). 2. it was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. the sun (was shining). a cool breeze (was blowing). the birds (were singing) . 3. my brother and sister (was agruing) about something when i (walked) into the room. 4. i (got) a package in the mail. when i (opened) it, i (found) a surprise. 5. stanley (was climbing) the stairs when he (tripped) and (fell). 1. прошлой ночью я не слышал гром во время грозы, потому что я спал.2. вчера было красиво, когда мы пошли гулять в парке. солнце светило). прохладный ветерок (дул). птицы (пели).3. мои брат и сестра спорили о чем-то, когда я (вошел) в комнату.4. я получил (посылку) по почте. когда я открыл её, я был удивлён.5. стэнли (поднимался) по лестнице, когда он (споткнулся) и (упал).

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