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По зеркальной воде, по кудрям лозняка от зари алый свет разливается где можно увидеть такую картину? в тихий солнечный день, тихим вечером на закате, утром на восходе

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4,4(90 оценок)

Ядумаю что  утром на восходе 
4,6(43 оценок)

The twa magicians два волшебника the lady stands in her bower door, as straight as willow wand; the blacksmith stood a little forebye, wi hammer in his hand. "weel may ye dress ye, lady fair, into your robes о red; before the morn at this same time, i 'll gain your maidenhead." "awa, awa, ye coal-black smith, woud ye do me the wrang to think to gain my maidenhead, that i hae kept sae lang! " then she has hadden up her hand, and she sware by the mold, "i wudna be a blacksmith's wife for the full о a chest о gold. "i 'd rather i were dead and gone, and my body laid in grave, ere a rusty stock о coal-black smith my maidenhead shoud have." then she became a turtle dow, to fly up in the air, and he became another dow, and they flew pair and pair. then she became a duck, a duck, to puddle in a peel, and he became a rose-kaimd drake, to gie the duck a dreel. she turnd hersell into a hare, to rin upon yon hill, and he became a gude grey-hound, and boldly he did fill. then she became a gay grey mare, and stood in yonder slack, and he became a gilt saddle. and sat upon her back. she turnd hersell into a ship, to sail out ower the flood; he ca'ed a nail intill her tail, and syne the ship she stood. then she became a silken plaid, and stretchd upon a bed, and he became a green covering

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