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“who are you? ” vinney’s mother asked. “i’m your son, vinney.” “no, my boy has got ears. he has got a nose too. he has got eight purple fingers and six purple toes. you are not my boy.” then vinney took out (вынул) his nose and put it where his ears were. then he took out his ears and put them where his nose was. then he took out his toes and put them where his fingers were. then he took out his fingers and put them where his toes were. “it’s me! it’s me! ” cried vinney. “that is my boy” his mother said. and she kissed him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

"кто ты? " спросила мать винни"я твой сын, винни""нет, мой мальчик имеет уши и нос.у него восемь фиолетовых пальцев и шесть фиолетовых пальцев.ты не мой мальчик ". тогда винни вынул нос и положить егогде его туда, где уши.он вынул уши и положил их туда, где был его нос.тогда он вынул пальцы ног и положил их туда, где были пальцы рук, а пальца рук положил на место пальцев ног"это я! это я! "кричал винни. "это мой мальчик" сказала мать. и поцеловала его.

1. He has an alibi, inspector. Last Saturday at 9 p.m., he was sitting in a pub. Many people can confirm this. 2. Sorry, but I couldn't join you because I was watching my favorite movie. 3. - What is your son doing now? - Preparing for the University entrance exams. 4. in the Evening we went to the city center. Many people watched the concert on red square, some singing, others dancing. 5. They were already late, but they couldn't get out because it was raining hard. 6. Someone was knocking on the door, but we weren't expecting anyone. 7. No one could understand what was happening. 8. When we arrived at the office, everyone was discussing the latest developments. 9. the house was quiet: the clock was ticking, the cat was playing with a ball, the dog was sleeping by the fireplace, the children were collecting a new game. 10. Everyone was very busy preparing to leave. 11. Yesterday, he lay on the sofa all day: reading, sleeping, watching TV. 12. We saw that he was trying to help his friends. 13. The idea occurred to Norris, when he was enjoying a cigar.


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