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Watching television on the weekend is my hobby.there are lots of interesting programmes for me to watch: political and sport news, shows for teenagers and adults, soaps, theatre plays, etc.i know that watching tv. for ( during) many hours is not good but i only do it on sundays.isn`t it fantastic that all programmes are sent. to my house from the air! i hope to work for television in the future.and i promisen not to show so many silly advertisments on tv.most of them are so boring.

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Просмотр телевизора по выходным - мое хобби. там много интересных программ для меня, которые можно посмотреть: новости политики и спорта, шоу для молодежи и взрослых, телесериалы, театральные постановки. я знаю, что просмотр телека в течение нескольких часов - это не оч.хорошо, но я только делаю это по воскресеньям. разве не здорово, что все эти передачи ко мне домой из воздуха? ! я надеюсь, что буду работать на телевидении в будущем. обещаю, не показывать такое большое количество дурацкой рекламы по тв. большая част этой рекламы скучная.

1. he has just been offered a well-paid job with radio four.

2. was the oscar ceremony  reported in the news last night?

3. i think cinema will be replaced gradually by tv and computers in the next century.

4. this programme became very popular after the main presenter had been voted the most interesting tv personality of the year.

5. will his next book be  published soon?

6. some films shouldn't  be  watched by children and they should only be shown on tv after ten o'clock.

7 look at those men in dark glasses! i think we are being watched.

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