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Переведите на язык 1 вы опять дрались? 2 как давно у вас болит нога? 3 я учу японский с августа 4 анна ищет работу шесть месяцев 5 они работают в саратове с 1 января 6 какой глубокий снег! сколько времени шел снег? 7 весь день идет дождь 8 я живу здесь около пяти лет. 9 вы слишком долго смотрите телевизор. 10 я жду петра уже около часа. 11 дети плавают уже полчаса. 12 они работают в саду с 8 часов. 13 наконец я нашел книгу, которую искал целый день

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. did you have a  fight again? 2. how long do you have a sore knee? 3. i've been learning japanese since august 4. anna has been looking for job six months 5. they have been working in saratov since january, 1 6. what a deep snow! how long had it snowed? 7. it is  raining all day 8. i live here nearly 5 years 9. you watch tv too much 10. i'm waiting for peter for nearly a hour 11. the children have been swimming  for half an hour 12. they have been working in the garden since 8 o'clock 13. finally i found a book that i have searched for the whole day.

+its unigue culture and architecture; the villages and small cities of russia are guiet russians are very hospitable, friendly and probably the most openhearted peopleit has so much to offer (just think about world-famous museums, theatres and galleries) he metro in moscow is efficient and cheap.  it is one of the most important and influential countries in the worldthe city and the sights.   beautiful landscapes -   food, transport and services are more expensive there than anywheremoscow is a noisy city it does not provide easy or enjoyable travelling across the country   english is not spoken or understood expect in the major cities without knowing the landuage it is difficult to travel in russia.   hotel and train accommodations are below european standards.' (joann, germany)

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