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Вставьте недостающие слова apply good study 0 from the beginning of your course, rather than seek magical solutions 00 before the exam. ideally every evening you should read through the notes you made that day, improving them and (1) sure they are useful. in this way, essential information will be committed (2) your long-term memory and will be readily recalled, even under stressful exam conditions. (3) the long run this will help you to avoid last-minute cramming, (4) is seldom useful. when your teacher gives you practice exams to do in class time, enter into these wholeheartedly. they won’t (5) you any harm, on the contrary, they will help you to assess your progress. afterwards take note (6) the feedback you receive, pinpoint the mistakes you made. did you include too little information, misread the questions, (7) out of time? sometimes exams are failed not because (8) too little work. often the brightest students work too hard at revision and worry unnecessary. if you are nervous, then (9) all means carry on gentle revision until the last moment: you can start worrying, if you have too much time on your hands. but be sure not to go into the exam room tired (10) overwork

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1.  making  2.in  3.in  4.cramming  5.cause 6.of  7.are  8.of  9.it  10.from

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