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V. раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение 3 раза, образуя условные предложения i, ii и iii типов. переведите предложения па язык. 1. if you (to put on) your glasses, you (to see) better. 2. if i (to live) in the south, i (bathe) every day, 3. if i (to come) home late, i (to go) to bed at once.

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1. if you put on your glasses, you will see better. 2. if i live in the south, i will bathe every day, 3. if i come home late, i will go to bed at once. 1. if you put on your glasses, you would see better. 2. if i  lived in the south, i would bathe every day, 3. if i  came home late, i would go to bed at once. 1. if you had put on your glasses, you would have see) better. 2. if i had lived in the south, i would have bathed every day, 3. if i had come home late, i would have gone to bed at once. 1. если наденешь очки, будешь лучше видеть. 2. если буду жить на юге, буду купаться каждый день, 3. если приду домой поздно, сразу пойду спать. 1. если бы ты надел очки, лучше бы видел. 2. если бы я жил на юге, я бы купаться каждый день, 3. если бы я пришел домой поздно, я бы сразу лёг спать. 1. если бы ты тогда надел очки, ты бы лучше рассмотрел. 2. если бы я тогда жил на юге, я бы купался каждый день, 3. если я тогда пришел домой поздно, я бы сразу пошел спать.

1. yes, i will take your exams (no, i won`t) 2. yes, i will come to our party (no, i won`t) 3. yes, i will join us for lunch (no, i won`t) 4. yes, i will help them with their english (no, i won`t) 5. yes, they will be happy to see us (no, they won`t) 6. he will know the time of our arrival tomorrow (for example)7. i will tell them, that they were wrong.8. she will wait for you in the park.9. yes, we will shall start the discussion (no, we won`t)10. yes, you will shall me to help (no, you won`t)11. yes, we will s hall open the window (no, we won`t)12. yes, you will shall translate the text (no, you won`t) 13. we will to go for a walk tomorrow morning (for example)14. we will to have some salad, fried chicken and potatoes for dinner (for example) 15. this evening we will to go to the party (for example)16. you will w ash the floor, sweep and wash the dishes. (for example)17. you will to wake up at 7 ocklock (for example)18. we will to met on the main square (for example)

Популярно: Английский язык