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8. составьте диалоги. пример: your name? / carlos / spanish / mexico a what’s your name? b my name’s carlos. a carlos? … it’s a spanish name. b yes, but i’m not spanish. a oh, where are you from? b i’m from mexico. 1. his name? / fritz / german / switzerland c d c d c d 2. her name? / brigitte / french / canada e f f e f 3. their names? / john and paul / english / australia g h h g

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Ответы на вопрос:

A  whats your name? b my names fritz a fritz? its a german name b yes but im not german a oh where are you from ? b im from switzerland   a  whats your name? b my names brigitte a brigitte?   its a french name b yes but im not french a oh where are you from? b im from canada a   what are your names? b our name are john and paul a john and paul ? its a english names b yes but we arent english a oh where are you from? b we are from australia 

2) anything

3) something

4) nothing

5) something

6) something


anything - любая вещь/что-нибудь

something - что-то/что-нибудь

nothing - ничего

!I can't do nothing - incorrect!

There is nothind on the table

There isn't anything on the table

т.к слово anything не является лексическим отрицанием, используем его если в предложении есть грамматическое отрицание, используем его.

Популярно: Английский язык