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Маленький рассказ на аншлийском языке на тему: какую бы я хотел носить школьную форму?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ябы хотел носить в школу джинсы и футболку не хочу одеваться только в чёрный и белый хочю носить в школу голубые джинсы и белую футболку с рисунком хочю чтобы вся школа одевалась так! на  : i would like to wear to school jeans and t-shirt do not want to dress only in black and white hochu to wear to school blue jeans and white t-shirt with a picture hochu to the whole school dressed like that!

1) the exercise was very long.i thought it was / endless 2) i thought the were better than the text. /illustrations 3) the of her voice calmed the old lady./ softness 4) john is a very driver. / careful 5) i think that the new project is rather difficult. / personally 6) what is the of this area? /population 7) people should do more for the of environment. / protection

Популярно: Английский язык