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Расставить ответы в ! 11. we don’t have butter. a) a b) any c) got 12. some money here. a) there’re b) there c) there’s 13. we got a garage. a) ) haven’t b) hasn’t c) don’t 14. those shoes are very a) expensive b) a lot c) cost 15. have you got a pen? – yes, i a) am b) have c) got

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11-b 12-c ( с неисчислимыми всегда is) 13-a14-a 15-b

i really admire linda mccartney. she was born in new york, and she became a photographer. she took photographs of rock stars.   in 1967 she met paul mccartney.   at first, a lot of  the beatles’ fans didn’t like   linda but paul and linda weren’t worried. they get married in 1969. linda learned to play the keyboard and she and paul formed a band called “wings”. linda was vegetarian and she did a lot of work for animal charities. linda was interested in cooking and she wrote a lot of books about food.

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