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Hare is little animal with long ears and paws. it has short tail and black eyes. it has grey fur but every winter his fur becomes white. it has sharp teeth ang long whiskers. hare likes eat leaves and grass. also hare likes seeds, flowers, vegetables. hare can  run very fast and jump very far. hare is very coward. it is  afraid of many animals. hare usually has  from one to nine babies. most of hares live for six years old.

mum: mag,what would you like for breakfast?

mag: some cornflakes with milk.

mum: i am sorry,there isn't any milk today.i hope you'll go and buy some.

mag: of course,mum.but now i'd like a toast, some jam and a cup of tea.


mrs wilson: jason,is there any jam in the jar?

jason: i am afraid not,granny.but there is some porridge on the plate.


father: is there any coffee?

mother: no,there isn't any coffee.there is some tea.

father: then give me some tea,please.

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