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Известно, что f(x) = cos x/3 . найдите: а) f(-x) б) 3f(x) в) f(-3x) г) f(-x)-f(x)

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(62 оценок)

а) f(-x)=сosx/3

б) 3f(x)=3cosx/3

в) f(-3x)=cosx

г) f(-x)-f(x)=0

4,6(42 оценок)

Iget up at 7: 00 and go to wash. after i go to the kitchen to put the kettle on and go to make the bed brush your hair then dress up and go to drink coffee. then wear clothes and driving to school. after school my mom takes home. i eat lunch and go to wydanie. after knitting i'm going home and doing homework. then i have dinner at 19: 00 after i rest and go to bed. so my day went

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