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Вчера в 8 часов вечера из музея была украдена древняя рукопись шерлок холмс взялся за расследование какие пять вопросов он задал подозреваемым

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) где вы находились вчера  в 8 часов вечера? 2)  кто может это подтвердить? 3) знаете ли вы, что было в рукописи? о чём там было написано? 4) не являетесь (являлись) ли вы работником музея? может быть у вас есть друзья - работники этого музея? (чтобы выяснить был ли у подозреваемого доступ к музейным ценностям) 5  ) не увлекаетесь ли вы ? а  событиями периода, к которому относится рукопись? 1) where were you yesterday at 8 pm ? 2) who can confirm this? 3 ) do you know what was in the manuscript? what did it say ? 4) do not is (are) whether you are in the museum? maybe you have friends - employees of the museum ? ( to determine whether the suspect access to the museum value ) 5) do not you fond of history ? and the events of the period to which the manuscript ?

The atmosphere and oceans are not the only parts of the environment that human activity (is damaging) day after day. rainforests (are disappearing) as well, and their survival (is) questionable today. at the end of the 20th century e.o.wilson, a biologist at harvard, (called) the reducing of rainforest areas “the greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs”. unlike some environment issues, the reduction of rainforests (has already received) significant public and media attention. despite the movements against chopping down rain forests, the problem (still continues). every year brazil (chops) down an area of forest equal to the size of the state of nebraska. rainforests that (were) great some years ago, (are lost) now. in addition to the amazon’s rainforests, many other forests (are cut) down every year as well. according to some estimates, 50 million acreas of forests (are cut) down every year. the world wildlife fund (says) that every minute 25 to 50 acreas (is cut) or (burnt) to the ground. will any trees (be left) on our planet at the end of this century?  

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