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1. для каждого из следующих предложений, определить, является ли simple present tense или present continuous tense является более целесообразным, и заполнить бланк с соответствующей формой глагола, данного в скобках. пример: right now, he ridiculous. (to be) - right now, he is being ridiculous. 1.) at the moment, i supper. (to cook) 2.) he the paper every weekday. (to read) 3.) we right now. (to study) 4.) she every day. (to study) 5.) now it (to rain) 6.) they to mexico every year. (to travel) 7.) just now we the shopping. (to do) 8.) she always correctly.( to answer) 9.) you never late. (to be) 10.) now i to the radio. (to listen) 11.) each sunday, we the flea market. (to visit) 12.) at present, i for work. (to look) 2. 2. используя past continuous tense, заполнить пробелы с правильной формы глаголов в скобках. например: you last night? (to work) - were you working last night? 1.) we for the test. (to prepare) 2.) she notes? (to take) 3.) i not long. (to wait) 4.) they at woolco. (to shop) 5.) it not outside? (to freeze) 6.) she on almond street last year. (to live) 7.) you supper when the phone rang? (to eat) 8.) he asleep by the time the lesson ended. (to fall) 9.) we not the next chapter? (to discuss) 10.) they their books away, when their friends arrived. (to put) 11.) you not the news. (to follow) 12.) i too much noise? (to make)

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Ex1 1.) am cooking 2.) reads 3.) are studying 4.) studies 5.) is raining 6.) travel 7.) are doing 8.) answers 9.) are 10.) am listening 11.) visit 12.) am  looking ex2 1.) were  preparing 2.) was she taking 3.) wasn't waiting 4.) were shopping 5.) wasn't it freezing? 6.) was living 7.) were you eating 8.) was falling 9.) weren't we 10.) were putting 11.) weren't following 12.) was i making

Has she got a part-time job as a teacher?

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