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Нужен реферат на тему животные казахстана или великобритании (на )

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На : в великобритании насчитывается около 30 тысяч видов животных. среди них лисы, зайцы, красные белки, выдры, чёрные крысы, норка, рептилии и земноводные. из 200 видов птиц наиболее распространены воробьи, зяблики, скворцы, вороны, зимородки, малиновки, синицы. в лесу можно встретить таких обитателей как: олень, лиса, кролик, заяц, барсук. птицы тоже обитают в лесах, например: куропатка, голубь, ворона. в реках британии водятся в основном лосось и форель. вот такое большое разнообразие животных можно встретить в великобритании.  на : in the uk, there are about 30,000 species of animals. among them, foxes, hares, red squirrels, otters, black rats, mink, reptiles and amphibians. of the 200 species of birds most common sparrows, finches, starlings, crows, kingfishers, robins, chickadees. in the forest you can meet the inhabitants of such as deer, fox, rabbit, hare, badgers. birds also live in forests, such as partridge, pigeon, crow. in the rivers of britain are found mainly salmon and trout. here is a great variety of animals can be found in the uk.

1) frank told paul that he had already done his work that day. 2) diana explained to julia that she often went to the theatre those days. 3) alan told george that they had done it the previous week. 4) mary told colin that her parents lived there. 5) harry explained to nancy that he was very busy at that moment. 6) andrew explained to bob that three years before they were/had been at school. 7) steve asked me if i had done a lot that day. 8) max  wanted to know if i had worked at the factory the previous. 9) diana wondered if olga had bought a new dictionaty the day before. 10) peter asked sally if they had travelled much the previous month.

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