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Ix. заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимениями, где это необходимо. a street incident in street of english town policeman stops car. in car there is visitor from continent. policeman: why are you driving on right side of road? visitor: do you want me to drive on wrong side? policeman: you are driving on wrong side. visitor: but you said i was driving on right side. policeman: i meant to say that you were on right, and that was wrong. visitor: strange country. if right is wrong, i’m right when i’m on wrong side. so why did you stop me? policeman: my dear sir, you must keep to left./ right side is left. visitor: well, i want to go to bellwood. will you tell me way, please? policeman: certainly. at end of road turn left. visitor: now let me think. turn left. in . england left is right and right is wrong. is that idea? policeman: you’ll be right if you turn left'. but if you turn right you’ll be wrong. visitor: thank you for explanation. it’s quite clear, and i’ll do best not to forget it.

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1. the, an, a, a. 2. the, a, - . 3. p: the, the? 4. v:   the? 5 p: the. 6  v: my. 7 p.: the. 8v: a, the. 9. p: the, the, -. 10.v: the. 11. p: the, the. 12 v: -, your? 15. -, the.

You clean your room.

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