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1. choose the correct words. 1. are these some/much/any roadworks in the city centre at the moment? 2. i learned a few/a little/much spain when i was on holiday. 3. i'm going to the shops. there isn't many/some/any bread for breakfast. 4. she hasn't read much/many/a few good books recently. 5. there are much/a lot of/ a little cars in the park this morning. 6. a few/any/a little students are helping the teachers carry tne books. 7. i haven't got some/much/many money in my wallet. 2. complete the sentences. use a, the or nothing (no article). 1. there's nice restaurant near our house. 2. we saw president when he visited our city. 3. i want to be doctor when i grow up. 4. the people in village shop aren't very friendly. 5. 'where's leo? ' 'he's in garden.' 6 . my sister doesn't like dogs- she prefers cats. 7. there's a red car and a blue car in the car park. ours is blue car. 3. choose the correct words. 1. turn in/to/onto the lane and then go straight 2. i saw sam running at/straight/along kings road. 3. go past/on/after the school. 4. just follow/along/across the path across the field. 5. go at/through/over the gate and park your car next to the house. 6. turn in/-/up right at the church and you'll see the cottage.

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Ответы на вопрос:

3. 1. to 2. 3. go past 4. 5.through 6. - 2. 1. the 2.the 3. a 4. the 5. the 6. - 7. the правда я не уверена

Бедный пёс. его задавил/переехал соседский грузовик.

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