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17.подберите слова, противоположные по значению: 1) a) cold b) far c) best d) old e) tall f) slim g) light a) worst b) new c) fat d) dark e) short f) near g) hot 2) a) stand b) leave c) take d) borrow e) find f) come into a) come b) lend c) give d) lose e) go out f) sit 18.определите, какое из слов не является продуктом питания. butter, cream, flour, tea, orange, cucumber, fish, sausage, beans, chicken, ham, hot dogs, chips, butter-fly, berries, jam, pine-apple. 19.какое обобщающее слово объединяет следующие понятия: eggs, ham, tea, coffee, porridge, milk, sugar, butter, toasts, bread a) lunch b) breakfast c) dinner 20.прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос: there are three rooms downstairs: a big living-room, a fairly big kitchen opposite the living-room and a very small dining-room, there’s also a toilet opposite the stairs. the bedrooms are upstairs: john and mary’s bedroom is at the top of the stairs on the right, the bathroom is opposite their room and the toilet is next to the bathroom. next to john and mary’s bedroom is the children’s bedroom. the spare bathroom is at the end of the corridor on the left. how many rooms are there in the house? 21.прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос: four people work in an office: two women and two men. ann likes catherine but she doesn’t like the two men. peter doesn’t like the person that ann likes, but he likes ann. only one person likes catherine. john likes two people. one person doesn’t like ann. who is it?

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A-g b-f c-a d-b e-e f-c g-d 2.

1. for sentences that contain the verb to be - before the verb to be. 2. for sentences with one main verb - after the main verb. 3. for negative sentences - between the auxiliary and the main verb. 4. for frequency expressions - at the end of a sentence.

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