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Выберите нужный вариант ответа ( прилагательное или наречие) переведите предложения. 1. we didn't go out because of (heavy, heavily) rain. 2. i was disappointed that my exam results were so ( bad, badly). 3. why do you always look so (serious, seriously). 4. tom looked (sad, sadly) when i saw him. 5. maria learns languages (incredible, incredibly) (quick, quickly). 6. the examination he took yesterday was (surprising, surprisingly). 7. several people were ( serious, seriously) injured in the accident. 8. our team lost the game because we played very (bad, badly). 9. i had little difficulty finding a place to live. i found a flat quite (easy, easily). 10. nobody know george was coming to see us, he arrived (unexpected, unexpectedly).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-  heavy2 -  bad3 -  serious4 -  sad5 -    incredibly  quick6 -  surprising 7 -  seriously8 -  bad9 -  easily10 -  unexpectedly

Tv - ser computer я так поняла это загадка

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