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3type. put the verd into the correct from. sam got to the station just in time to catch the rain to the airport. /miss) the /miss) his flight. i'm glad that you reminded me about amanda's birthday /forgert) if /not/remind) me unfortunately i forgot my address book when i went on holiday. if /have) your /send) you a postcard how was your holiday? did you have a nice time? it was ok,/enjoy) itmore weather/be) nicer i took a taxi to the hotel ,but the traffic was /be) quicker if /walk) i'm not tried. /be) tried,i'd go home now i wasn't last night. if /be) tired,i would have gone home earlier

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Ответы на вопрос:

If he had missed the train, he would have missed his flight i would have forgotten it if you hadn't reminded me if i had have your address i would have sent but we would have enjoyed it more if the weather had it would have been quicker if i had walked if i was if i had been

when did they build this churs?


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