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Раскрыв скобки, употребите глаголы в форме будущего простого времени. 1.1 don't think this plant (to produce) good radios. 2. they think the new car (to be) very good. 3. if you speak english, you (to get) a better job. 4. when they introduce the new method, productivity (to rise). 5. if the company raises labour efficiency, it (to become) more profitable. 6. you (to like) professor smith's lectures in economics, i am sure.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.1 will produce 2. will be 3. will get 4. will rise 5 will become 6 will like

1) б

2) а

3) в

4) б


Популярно: Английский язык