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Вставьте наречия времени: just, already, never, yet, recently, lately. 1. the role of the service sector has 2. most manufacturing industries intensive technologies for processing 3. economists have not given a full definition of economics 4. economists have developed three main approaches to economics. 5. -have you got enough actual data to make a model -yes, i have finished it. 6.economists have services that are provided by doctors and teachers in the primary sector. 7. economics used models successfully to analyze some difficult economic problems. 8. -has the economist made a proper -no, he has not made 9. microeconomics studied the problems of the whole countrys economy.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. lately 2. just,  recently 3. yet 4. already 5. yet, already 6. already 7. never 8. yet, yet 9. never

You go shopping on Saturday morning, don't you?

Who goes shopping on Saturday morning?

When do you go shopping?

Do you go shopping on Saturday morning?

Do you go shopping or jogging on Saturday morning?

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