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Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением.country,white,hpt,big,short,cold,happy,bad,sunny,town,tall,black,small,rainy,sad

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Country - town white - black hot - cold big - small short-term happy - sad bad-? sunny-rainy

Country-city white-black hot-sweet big-little short-long cold-hot happy-sad bad-good sunny-dark town-home tall-low small-great rainy-sunny sad-nice. p.s некоторые слова повторяются!

1) what do you write to the people you love on st valentine`s day? 2) jack london, an american writer, was born in 1876. 3) are you always at home on new year`s eve? 4) in june it is not very dark in st petersburg night. 5) on thursday all the boys decided to meet in the living room. 6) how many classes have you got on friday? 7) let`s meet in the afternoon. - why? let`s meet in the evening. 8) that day at four o`clock a strong wind was blowing. 9) we usually stay at home on new year`s day. 10) do you give your friends presents at easter? 11) at midnight, when the clock struck twelve, there appeared father frost. 12) a lot of people go to church at christmas.

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